The Twenty-Seventh Annual General Meeting (AGM) of OMEP-Hong Kong Poster
The Twenty-Sixth Annual General Meeting (AGM) of OMEP-Hong Kong Poster
The Twenty-Fifth Annual General Meeting (AGM) of OMEP-Hong Kong Poster
The Twenty-Third Annual General Meeting (AGM) of OMEP-Hong Kong Poster
The Twenty-Second Annual General Meeting (AGM) of OMEP-Hong Kong Poster
“Learning the Chinese Language in Early Childhood Education in a Multilingual and multicultural environment” by Prof Tse Shek Kam at The University of Hong Kong on May 3, 2013. OMEP_seminar_flyer_20130503
“Investigating what high quality looks like in British pre-schools: evidence from observations in pre-school centres” by Prof Kathy Sylva at The University of Hong Kong on February 26, 2013. OMEP_seminar_flyer_20130206KathySylva
“Reorienting the Curriculum in Korean Early Childhood Education: Examining the Experiences of Kindergarteners with Education for Sustainable Development” by Prof Eunhye Park at The University of Hong Kong on February 22, 2013. OMEP_seminar_flyer_20130222_ProfPark
“Departures from Tradition: The Early Years Learning Framework in Australia” by Prof Susan Grieshaber at Hong Kong Baptist University on December 18, 2012. OMEP_seminar_flyer_20111218_2nd_edition