OMEP-Hong Kong
OMEP - Hong Kong
OMEP-Hong Kong is dedicated to working for children, under the age of eight, in early childhood education and care. Our members are supervisors, teachers, academics and experts in the field of early childhood education, and we have a wide knowledge base in preschool education and care in Hong Kong.

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龐劉湘文主任於1981年創立「宣美語言及聽覺訓練中心」,亦是當時宣美幼稚園的校長,現擔任中心主任、聽覺學家及社工。多年來,龐主任竭力服務聽障幼兒,在幼稚園界、特殊教育界及聽障界別不遺餘力,希望藉著是次講座,能夠讓更多人了解聽障孩子口語的最新發展及他們的潛能。 如有意參加主題講座「教導聽障幼兒的最新發展」可點擊連結遞交網上表格或掃描二維碼登記出席:
OMEP-Hong Kong
President's word
Dr. Amelia NY Lee, MH
The coronavirus outbreak has reshaped the lifestyles of many of us and has changed the learning mode of students around the world. These changes can be described as “earth-shattering”. Air travel restrictions and other pandemic prevention measures have severely hindered international activities. OMEP World has cancelled its annual Assembly and Conference for two consecutive years.
Despite all the hurdles, human beings are good at meeting challenges. Resilience plays a key role in our ability to overcome adversity. With the help of technology and our spirit of never giving up, we broke through borders and quarantine restrictions to get together. In August, OMEP-Hong Kong and 65 other OMEP national members from Africa, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific and North America & the Caribbean held a large-scale virtual assembly on Zoom. Under the leadership of Ms. Mercedes Mayol Lassalle, we extended our love and care through the assembly to the development of young children in member countries and regions, in particular those having been most impacted by COVID-19.
OMEP-Hong Kong will continue to pull out all the stops for promoting activities that benefit the well-being of young children. I look forward to seeing you in OMEP-Hong Kong activities.
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