Classic Posts


龐劉湘文主任於1981年創立「宣美語言及聽覺訓練中心」,亦是當時宣美幼稚園的校長,現擔任中心主任、聽覺學家及社工。多年來,龐主任竭力服務聽障幼兒,在幼稚園界、特殊教育界及聽障界別不遺餘力,希望藉著是次講座,能夠讓更多人了解聽障孩子口語的最新發展及他們的潛能。 如有意參加主題講座「教導聽障幼兒的最新發展」可點擊連結遞交網上表格或掃描二維碼登記出席:


世界幼兒教育聯會(香港分會)將於2024年4月17日(星期三)舉辦主題講座:“兒童的科學”與幼稚園科學教育,並邀請到張俊博士擔任講者作分享。是次講座從分析3-6歲幼童學習科學的特點出發,深入講解幼稚園科學教育的目標;並通過內地幼兒教育實例比較集體教學、區角遊戲、日常生活及項目活動等各種教學途徑,進而促成幼稚園實施整合性的遊戲教育課程。現誠邀 閣下報名參與線上講座,有關詳情如下: 主辦機構:世界幼兒教育聯會(香港分會)日期:2024年4月17日(星期三)時間:下午5:00至6:30形式:線上講座語言:普通話對象:幼兒教育工作者、學生及家長費用:全免登記及報名:

31st Annual General Meetings and Symposium of “Embedding Chinese Culture in Early Childhood Education”

OMEP-HONG KONG held its 31st Annual General Meetings on 17 November 2023. Following the conclusion of the meeting, four esteemed professor members from the China National Society of Early Childhood...

The 30th Annual General Meeting of OMEP-Hong Kong

 The 30th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of OMEP-Hong Kong will be held on Thursday, 24 November 2022, at 5:00 pm. Please refer to the attached poster and agenda for details....


【最新講座】近年越來越多人談論STEM教育,加上疫情下學習模式大改,但如何才能有效促進幼兒STEM學習?OMEP-Hong Kong邀請到清大榮退教授周淑惠分享幼兒STEM教育實戰經驗,有興趣的同工可於以下網頁報名:<>

The 2nd Pedagogical Innovations in Early Childhood Education Competition **Postponed**

In view of the development of the epidemic, the contest will be postponed, please pay attention to the announcement on this website. Download Invitation Letter Attachments: 1) The 2nd Pedagogical...

72nd OMEP World Assembly and Conference Call for Papers – Deadline Extended

World Assembly: 13-14 July, 2020, Athens, Greece International Conference: 15-17 July, 2020, Athens, Greece Conference Theme: Early Childhood Education in the 21st century: new perspectives and dilemmas The Call for...

The Twenty-Seventh Annual General Meeting (AGM) of OMEP-Hong Kong

Download Invitation Letter Attachments: 1) The Twenty-Seventh Annual General Meeting Poster and Agenda 2) Registration Form for the Seminar 3) Notice for Nomination 4) Nomination Form 5) Membership Renewal Form,...

OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2019 in KYOTO, JAPAN

Conference Theme: Quality of ECEC (Early Childhood Education and Care) Sub Theme: SDGs 4.2 / Children’s Rights/ Play/ Professional Development/ Diversity of ESD Date: September 5(Thu) - 7(Sat), 2019 For...

71th OMEP World Assembly and Conference in Panama city

World Assembly: 22-23 July, 2019, Panama city International Conference: 24-26 July, 2019, Panama city Conference Theme: IDENTITIES AND CULTURES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION For details, please refer to